Tweeting Truth to Power

Chronicling our Caustic Politics, Crazed Times, & The Great Black & White Divide

Tweeting Truth to Power

A global pandemic and a national uprising over racial injustice evince a country thrust into unceasing turmoil. With Donald J. Trump exacerbating and perpetuating both of these burgeoning challenges, social media plays a pivotal role in our nation’s recurring strife.  

Tweeting Truth to Power is an in depth chronicle of living day to day through the Trump era. As this mercurial president uses the Twitter megaphone to divide, an emboldened community has taken to the platform to unite. A Top 20 Finalist on NBC’s Last Comic Standing, comedian Cyrus McQueen embodies the spirit of “The Resistance.” Tapping into the pulse of a nation and this defining moment, McQueen’s tweets have routinely gone viral, landing in such publications as TIME, BuzzFeed, Cosmopolitan, and Variety, in addition to a host of media outlets like CNN, BET, and Entertainment Tonight.

 In Tweeting Truth to Power, McQueen shares the personal and political journey he began in 2016, when he put aside the microphone to get serious about inequality. Exploring his own painful story alongside the nation’s past and present, McQueen offers a rich, nuanced look into America’s racial legacy. His insightful, layered analysis offers a unique context to current events and the movements they have ignited. Be it #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, or #TakeAKnee, Tweeting Truth to Power is a remarkable, real-time account of enduring an unprecedented time.

 According to McQueen, the Trump presidency seemingly overnight ripped apart the incisive work of his predecessor and centuries of resistance, exposing the racial wounds of a country once on the mend.

Today, as ghosts from America’s unresolved past haunt our present, McQueen asks us:

How far have we really come as a nation?